Concerning Renault Trucks in France, an agreement has just been unanimously signed by trade unions to ensure fair compensation for these staff members in short term layoff.

Applying until July 3, 2020, the agreement erases the disparities between the different categories of employees, resulting from the legal provisions and the Metallurgy collective agreement, protects the lowest wages and aligns compensation for all employees at 92% of their usual net pay thanks to the solidarity of managers, and thanks to an additional contribution from the company.

“This agreement allows all employees to be treated fairly during this unprecedented crisis period. It enables all employees to get close to 100% of their usual remuneration through a vacation buy-back plan, while safeguarding the company's future," emphasises Bruno Blin, president of Renault Trucks. “In addition to the employees' solidarity, the company is contributing around 8% of the total payroll."

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