
Climate change, population growth and global urbanization are transforming not only our environment, but also the demands made on transportation and infrastructure.

To remain relevant and help make the world a more thriving place, we have made certain commitments and will continue to offer our customers more sustainable and cost-effective solutions. As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, Renault Trucks pledges to reduce its impact on the climate and to use its resources and conduct its business in the most responsible way. 


Our commitments 

Research and development, purchasing, production, sales, after-sales service: Renault Trucks takes its economic, environmental and social responsibilities very seriously, whether in its role as an employer, manufacturer or key player in road transport. Renault Trucks pursues its activity with integrity, with respect to international regulations and in accordance with the Code of Conduct and the Anticorruption Charter of the Volvo Group. Renault Trucks’ contribution to sustainable development is consolidated at group level in an annual report, the Volvo Group Annual and Sustainability Report.



To combat climate change, Renault Trucks is endeavouring to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by developing carbon-neutral transport solutions and by minimizing the environmental impact of its activities.

Renault Trucks is committed to contributing to the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement by reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. The company has set itself reduction targets, established as part of the Science Based Target (SBTi) initiative, based on scientific data. They cover three areas of action: emissions directly related to its own activity (Scope 1); indirect emissions from energy purchased and consumed (Scope 2); and all other indirect greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain, most of which come from the use of products sold (Scope 3).

Renault Trucks is moving towards the decarbonization of transport and has set itself the target of a 100% fossil-free fleet by 2040. This will be achieved through electric trucks, which should account for 50% of its sales by 2030, but also through the development of solutions based on other alternative energies and, in the short term, the introduction of optimized diesel technologies with efficient fuel consumption. 

Our environmental policy is based on a rigorous management system that brings on board our distribution network, our suppliers and our partners. We manufacture our trucks in ISO 14001 certified factories. Production is organized in such a way as to focus on reducing the consumption of energy, water and raw materials and on limiting and reusing waste.

Renault Trucks' manufacturing sites are economical with energy and natural resources. They combat waste and treat their liquid and gaseous discharges. The production facilities and industrial processes have been designed to manufacture vehicles with the least possible waste. The environmental impact is systematically taken into account in every project undertaken to enhance production or renovate installations. All Renault Trucks sites are supplied with electricity from 100% renewable sources



Renault Trucks is committed to preserving resources and is working to reduce its consumption of raw materials, on the one hand by improving its own productivity and that of its customers, and, on the other, by applying the principles of the circular economy to its business

For example, we have set ourselves the goal of helping to double the productivity of our customers' logistics operations in the short term, by offering vehicles with a longer life and services such as predictive maintenance, designed to ensure their maximum operational availability.

To limit the use of raw materials and the environmental impact of the vehicles it manufactures, Renault Trucks has adopted a circular economy approach which takes into account the second and third lives of vehicles, as well as their re-use in various forms and their recycling.

  • Regenerate: Renault Trucks renovates and reconditions its used vehicles, updates their software and equips them with the latest technological developments available on new trucks.
  • Repurpose: through its Used Trucks Factory, Renault Trucks gives a second life to its used vehicles by transforming them according to market demand, in order to provide tailor-made used vehicles adapted to the needs of operators: transformation of tractors into rigids; conversion to biodiesel.
  • Recycle: we offer a range of refurbished mechanical parts and components for standard exchange. This makes it possible to reduce the environmental impact during production by 60% compared to that of new parts




Our trucks are produced for people by people.

Renault Trucks cares about the health and safety of its employees and the users of its products, champions training, diversity and inclusion, and promotes ethical behaviour.

Safety and health are priorities in all our activities. We make every effort to ensure that our products do not cause accidents and we strive to create the conditions that will allow our employees to leave their workplace in a healthy physical and mental state every day.

Our industry is facing significant technological changes and new business models. This prompts us to continue our efforts to shore up the development of our colleagues and focus on reskilling activities to meet these new demands.

Leveraging diversity is a critical success factor because it allows each of us to be the best we can be. Women are underrepresented in the automotive industry, which is why the Volvo Group wants to see women make up 35% of the workforce, and of management in particular, by 2030.

How we act in our daily work determines how the world perceives us. We are constantly seeking to build and be part of ecologically and socially sustainable value chains. Renault Trucks has been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2004 and as such is committed to respecting and implementing the ten universal principles relating to the respect of human rights and labour rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption in all its activities.

We also set great store by our social commitment. Renault Trucks works on a daily basis to create and improve the conditions for recruiting and guaranteeing the satisfaction of its employees in order to retain the best talent. As a major economic and social player, Renault Trucks is strongly attached to the development of the regions in which it operates and supports various initiatives, particularly in the field of socio-economic integration. At international level, Renault Trucks has joined the cause of the UN in the fight against world hunger through the World Food Programme. By involving its volunteer employees in technical training missions in sub-Saharan Africa, Renault Trucks is putting its skills as a manufacturer at the service of a vital transport mission.

Des engagements certifiés

Responsible and a creator of shared value, Renault Trucks has had its environmental, social and governance actions assessed by the independent rating platform Ecovadis. With the latest Gold rating, we are ranked in the top 5% of companies assessed.

Ecovadis Gold 2024
Sustainable development by Renault Trucks Sustainability Report 2024

Renault Trucks has built up a sustainable development model which takes into account economic, social and environmental issues in a balanced way. In all its operations, Renault Trucks is committed to reducing its impact on the climate, using resources and conducting its business in the most responsible way.


Sustainable development by Renault Trucks >




Renault Trucks_Life Cycle AnalysisRenault Trucks draws Environmental product information from life cycle analyses (LCAs) carried out on its vehicles. These cover all phases in a truck’s life, from the production of raw materials right through to final dismantling and recycling. It provides data concerning the environmental impact of each one of these phases.  Life cycle analysis also makes it possible to determine a vehicle’s global warming potential throughout its operational life. This information is available on request at Renault Trucks Environmental Management Department.

Get Renault Trucks models LCAs >


Renault Trucks_REACHRenault Trucks follows and supports REACH – an EU regulation aimed at minimizing the risks in the presence of Substances of Very High Concern. REACH requires that all suppliers register, evaluate, gain approval and also limit the use of harmful chemicals in their products. 

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Renault Trucks_Fuel efficiencySince 2019, new EU legislation requires all heavy-duty trucks sold in Europe to come with declared fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

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