Career development: pave your way!

At Renault Trucks and the Volvo Group, we offer a wide range of jobs and locations, which is a real asset!
Whether you want to expand your expertise or discover new horizons, there are many tools available to support your professional development.
While internal mobility (including geographical mobility) is often seen as the main route to career development, other options such as ‘’ shadowing / live my life ‘’ or ‘’ loan / assignment ‘’ offer excellent opportunities for learning and progress.
Throughout your working life in the company, you will also benefit from access to internal skills development structures such as Volvo Group University.
Before embarking on a process, it is essential to take time to reflect.
This in-depth work will enable you to review your current skills, identify those you want to develop and set your new objectives.
Sample questions: What are the key stages in my career? What motivates me? Am I ready to change my working environment?
To help you in your search, a portal listing the company's 500 professions is available. This tool will give you an overview of the opportunities available to you, as well as the skills required for each role and the bridges between the different functions.
It is an essential factor in career development within the company. All types of mobility are conceivable: continuing in the same line of expertise in the same department, carrying out the same function in another organisation, changing job, changing geographical location... It's up to you to build the career path that suits you!
Live my life or shadowing gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the day-to-day work of a colleague. It is the best way to get to know a new job and its challenges without having to leave your current position, to validate your desire for change before making a commitment, and to develop a more global vision of the company, thereby enriching your professional profile.
The ‘loan’ or ‘assignment’ allows you to be temporarily seconded to another department in the Group to contribute to a specific project and acquire new expertise. In this way, you can develop previously unexplored skills, strengthen your ability to take on new challenges and expand your professional network.